A Blog is Birthed … Whew!

This post commemorates the birth of a new blog.  And, boy, I almost feel like I’ve literally given birth.

First of all, it’s Saturday.  About half the time Kevin tries to accomplish house projects on Saturday.  Today was one of those Saturdays.  While he was at Lowe’s with our four-year-old, we had two friends over to play.  That means five kids age nine and under.

And this is how smart I am … I use this very moment to take the opportunity to put together a new blog.  Go figure!

My whole morning was basically intense fits of trying to concentrate with lots of intermittent running around helping kids with random crises.  I’m exhausted.

Thank God for YouTube.com!  That’s all I can say.  I thought Word Press was supposed to be easy.  For dummies.  Even a child could figure it out, right?  After many tutorials viewed on YouTube, while trying to keep the kids at bay, feeling that I had no idea what I was doing, whala!  The baby appeared.

I’m looking forward to getting to know and develop this new baby!   But for now I think I need a nap or at least a strong espresso.